Effective governance makes good schools great.
Expert governance has the power to drive school improvement and is one of the biggest benefits a school gets from joining a trust. Collaboration and shared accountability are built into our governance structure. Interdependent roles with clear areas of focus ensure that expertise is harnessed across schools, governance and central office in pursuit of our shared goals of providing magical schools.
Our school leaders have high levels of both support and challenge to make sure our schools are absolutely the best they can be. Our trust board is accountable for every one of our schools, and we are committed to ensuring that every member of staff can flourish and every child receives excellent education and care.
Our schools stand together, with outstanding results.
Our structure
Key roles
Trustees (Directors) have strategic oversight and ultimate responsibility for all management decisions with the Trust Schools. Amongst other things, the Board of Trustees are responsible for:
setting the strategic direction, policies and objectives (ensuring clarity of vision/ethos)
making sure money is well spent: approving the budget, reviewing progress against the budget and objectives
challenging and supporting senior staff to ensure the quality of education provided by all schools and the performance development of all staff is excellent
the wider contribution and engagement with the school communities.
They meet at least four times a year and delegate powers to our Committees to make decisions regarding Audit, Finance & Risk, Education & Standards, and Pay & Remuneration.
The term of office for Trustees is four years, and they would normally serve for two terms.
Members can be considered as our custodians – they have a hands-off role in terms of managing the Trust and act as a ‘check and balance’ on the performance of the Together Learning Trust. They meet at least once per year.
The central team provides specialist support, guidance and services to schools in:
business and operations
financial management
marketing and communications
people management
IT support
This enables school staff and leaders to focus on school life and learning.
The Executive Leadership Team is made up of the headteachers of each school along with the CEO and central team directors. They meet weekly to discuss mainly operational matters and provide invaluable mutual support with the week-to-week challenges of school leadership.
The trust structure also creates opportunities for school senior and middle leaders to collaborate, learn from each other, or work on secondment in other trust schools.
School development groups are made up of staff with knowledge or roles related to a particular subject or specialist area, who meet regularly to support, challenge and improve outcomes in that area.
We have fantastic expertise within our schools, and these groups harness and amplify this, providing great professional development and improving standards across the trust.
Our curriculum communities focus on particular subjects, sharing best practice and strategies. The number of school development groups will grow to encompass different areas such as SEND or careers education.
School governing bodies - also known as Local Governing Committees or LGCs - are committed to ensuring their school does the best possible job for the children and advocate for the school.
Governors know their school in depth, monitoring and evaluating performance and engaging with the school community. They ensure excellence in:
The curriculum
Student and staff welfare and wellbeing
Parental engagement and feedback
Health and safety
They promote and support the trust’s vision and values and report to the trustees confirming effective development plans are in place.
Governors form a link between the school community and the trustees, holding both the school and the trust to account.
Individual governors may have a specific area of responsibility such as Safeguarding, known as a ‘link governor’. School staff and parents are represented on the governing body, elected by their peers.
You can find out more about each school’s local governing committee on their websites.
Schools are nothing without the communities they serve, and engaging with those communities ensures schools are relevant and fit for purpose.
Community engagement includes having effective structures for staff feedback and suggestions, staff collaboration and professional development, student leadership and pupil voice, parent consultations, parent teacher associations, liaison with local employers, community groups and local education providers. All of these people care deeply about the wellbeing and education of our children and have valuable contributions to make.
“Strong governance of the legal entity of the Trust hardwires collaboration and shared accountability in a way that no other school structure does.”
Our Board of Trustees
Our committees
Chair: David Whitwam
Karen Morley
Chris Blackburn
Jan Wallis
This committee provides assurance to the Board over the suitability of, and compliance with, the Trust's financial systems and operational controls, ensures that the risks are being adequately identified and managed. It meets to consider the financial security of the Trust and its approach to risk management in all aspects of its activities.
Chair: Karen Morley
Michael Crinnion
Chris Blackburn
David Whitwam
Jonathan Gascoigne
This committee is accountable for the good financial management of all the trust schools and budgets in accordance with the Academy Trust Handbook. The organisation of staffing arrangements to meet the aims of the Trust and so as to develop talent and remain compliant with employment legislation.
Chair: Susan Bracey
Rachel Harling
David Heywood
Jan Wallis
The Education Committee is responsible for the high-level scrutiny of the educational performance of the Trust schools, groups of students (especially Vulnerable students with additional challenges and needs) and the effectiveness of provision. This committee is responsible for ensuring the effectiveness of the Trust's school improvement team, school leadership teams and that ultimately all children are safeguarded.
Chair: Karen Morley
Jonathan Gascoigne
Susan Bracey
This Committee is responsible for ensuring transparency with central team benchmarked pay, making recommendations and reporting to the board on all matters relating to the Trust central team pay. This group manages the Executive Leadership performance and remuneration. They are accountable for trust staff pay ranges adhering to School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document or the NJC guidance. They oversee the remuneration of Headteachers and Heads of School.
Our Members
Kingsley Hill
Geraldine Carter
Carol Kitson
Marion Bain
Nigel Hodgson
Governance document library
For further information relating to any of our governance meetings, please contact us.
Could you help our schools to soar?
We’re always looking for people with great skills and strategic thinking to join our board. If you have a talent for supporting the development of mission-driven organisations, we’d love to hear from you.